Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Song of the Day

It's been a while guys. I'm hoping to get back into my blog and what better way to start than a song of the day!? This one is a little different and a lot of people haven't heard it. Many people probably can't relate to it, but if you went to Appalachian State, you gotta love it!

It's called "Party in Boone" and is a rap dedicated to the student life around Boone, NC.

Check it out.

MyKeyT - Party in Boone

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thought for the Day

I was laying on my bed, watching the rain fall outside the sliding glass door to my balcony and began thinking about storms and situations in life, people's struggles. I thought about the quote "It's not about enduring the storm, it's about dancing in the rain". And I thought about how its even about experiencing the pain and going through the hard times as well as the good. How you find yourself in the storm, in those struggles. That's when you come to find out who you really are and how you react and handle things.
As I was thinking all of this, I began imagining painting these ideas and felt the need to begin writing a poem. As I was writing it, I was imagining a song. Hopefully the melody will come to me in the next few days. I'll be sure to share. :)

"Get ready, on your mark
Clouds swoop in, the sky gets dark
There's a strange feeling of peace
But clouds are heavy and have to release
It starts to pour
more and more
light strikes the sky
forcing a desire to cry
Standing alone in this fragile form
In the middle of a frightening storm
This life is about feeling the pain
It's about dancing in the rain
Don't try to endure your time
waiting for the end to arrive is a crime
Stand up and feel the wind
Don't crouch, kneel, or bend
Shine your light through
and everything will start anew"
-me sbkjbkjmile emoticon

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Growing Out Bangs

I tend to want to change up my hairstyles and my appearance a lot. I also tend to change them spontaneously. About a month or so ago I decided one afternoon that I HAD TO HAVE bangs. I have curly hair and usually that means a no - no for bangs. I've had bangs before and they turned out pretty good, so I decided to chop my hair off.

What I always forget after drastically changing my hair is that in a month or so, I am tired of the change. So, now I am growing my bangs back out. My hair grows super slow, I'm starting to look into getting some supplements so that it will grow faster, but in the mean time I NEEDED something to do with my bangs.

I came across an article that has really good ideas for styling your hair when growing out your bangs.

8 Hairstyles to Try When Growing Out Your Bangs

1. Sideswept Bangs ( I can't really pull this one off with curly hair. )

2. Slick them Back

3.  Braid them! (This is my FAVORITE)

4. Give them some Lift ( I probably do this one most often)

5. Keep them MOISTURIZED!! ( I use this one because it doesn't contain any sulfates or silicones)

6. Pick a Part... ( I usually do a deep part on the left side)

7. Don't wear the same style everyday! Change it up so that the bangs don't grow out only in one direction.

8. Accessorize!

There you have it 8 tips for Growing out your bangs!

-The Curly Twirly Teacher

Let it Go Cover

It has been a LONG time since I have posted. So sorry!

In my last post I posted my Within Temptation cover. I'm posting another cover today. With all the hype for Frozen, I decided to cover "Let it Go" (Idina Menzel). I love the song and I love the movie as well (and I love Idina Menzel).

I've been learning how to record songs a little bit but still have a LONG LONG way to go. I used a program called Audacity to record the song and then used Windows Movie Maker to put the song in a video form. I don't have a working camera/video recorder right now, so I didn't make a true video, maybe that will be one of the next things I dive into learning about.

For some reason Blogger isn't uploading the video, so I'm leaving a link to it here.
 Let it Go Cover click here

I'll try uploading it again in a few hours or tomorrow. I'm not sure why it isn't working....

-The Curly Twirly Teacher

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Upload on YouTube

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I suppose I've been busy. Today, though, I decided to try something new and learned how to upload a video to YouTube. NOT that it is very hard to do, but I had never done it. I also learned how to turn an audio file into a video that will upload to YouTube.

I was testing out a microphone that my little sister gave to me for Christmas, and THIS is what happened.

It's rough and it's acapella. But I like it. :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Song of the Day

So before, I said that the acapella group that I am starting is going to do the song Royals by Lorde. We had our first practice on Monday and it sounds pretty good. I'm excited about it.

BUT we don't sound this good:

The Pentatonix are AMAZING, and once again they have done a GREAT job with this song. Definitely sounds better than the original in my opinion.
It made the cut for a Song of the Day and I had to share it. :)

-The Curly Twirly Teacher

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Upcoming Lesson Plan - Season of Fall

Next week we are talking about Fall! Fall is my favorite season, so I'm super excited! I have so many ideas for activities so the problem this week was trying to narrow them down to the ones I'm actually going to use (and I STILL think I've kept a busy lesson plan).

Here it is!
Circle Time - Welcome Fall! We will talk about the Change of Weather, how it is getting cooler outside and how the days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. We will also talk about clothes that we start wearing in Fall (jackets, sweaters, boots, etc). We will also touch on the leaves changing color.

Our letters this week are going to be F AND L (F is for fall and L is for Leaves).

Art - Egg Carton Fall Trees - paint project (I got this idea from pinterest from another blog, here's the link: Egg Carton Painting Fall Trees).

Fine Motor - Fall Leaf Match (another idea from pinterest). Basically you use craft foam and punch it with a leaf shaped cookie cutter, and then half each leaf to make it a puzzle. Use all fall colors!
Here's the website I got the idea from: Fall Leaf Match

Math - Leaf Color Graph (the kids will find leaves outside and then once inside, we will tape them to a LARGE chart based on their colors. It'll hopefully look something like this:

Outside Activities - Look for Leaves!!

Circle Time - Fall Colors! (brown, red, orange, yellow, and green)

Then we'll do a color game. Basically I took some pictures of fall things (a rake, pumpkin, squirrel, nuts, etc) and pasted them to a piece of construction paper of the above colors. I'll pass out the cards and then when I call out a color, each kid who has that color will stand up and tell us what the picture is on their card.

"What's your Favorite Fall Color" Graph

Review letters F and L.

Art - Finger paint with Fall Colors

Fine Motor - Fall Color sort

Sand Table - Add Leaves!!!

Writing - Letter L is for Leaves! We'll glue leaves to the letter L. I modeled the idea after this one:
....but using a letter L and leaf cutouts :)

Outside Activities - Find Fall Colors on the Playground!

Ride Bicycles (AND practice using the pedals!)

Circle Time - Fall Activities! (football, raking leaves, hayrides, carving pumpkins, corn mazes, apple picking, etc)
"What's your favorite Fall Activity?"

Art - Fall Collage (with different fall items, like leaves, acorns, pictures of pumpkins, footballs, etc)

Blocks - Build a Corn Maze, Apple Orchard, or Pumpkin Patch!

Outside Activities - Throwing and Catching

Circle Time - Fall Foods! (pumpkins, corn, caramel apples, turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, squash, etc.)

"What's your favorite food?" Graph

Letter F and L Sort

Fine Motor - Macaroni Necklaces (I'm going to paint the pasta fall colors in advance so that they'll be festive!)

Dramatic Play - Make a Fall Feast!

Writing - Letter F is for Fall (colors)
We'll color letter F with Fall colors (markers or crayons)

Outside Activities - Taking Turns on the Swings, and PUMPING OUR LEGS

Circle Time - Fall Animals! (owls, squirrels, bats, raccoons, and spiders!)
"What's Your Favorite Fall Animal?" Graph

Art - Draw a picture of Fall!

Math - Fall Flashcards (I found some here: Fall Flashcards)

Reading - Read a Fall Book (We don't have many books in our classroom, so I'll ask the kids to bring in a fall themed book from home).

Outside Activities - Look for Fall Animals!

Well there you go!